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Evaporative Pre-Cooler

Traditionally, refrigeration systems were always water-cooled and were connected to a cooling tower. The cooling tower would extract the heat from the hot water by evaporation and produce water that is cooler than the ambient air.

In modern times, the shortage and poor quality of water have encouraged the use of air-cooled systems, which do not require any amount of water. While the performance of air-cooled systems is adequate during the night, early morning and late evening, it is quite inefficient during the summer days when the air temperature is very high. To overcome this situation, the evaporative pre-cooler unit is designed to provide air that is pre-cooled by passing it through an evaporative cooling pad by the use of thermostatic control, as and when required.

The unit consists of four main elements, namely:

  • Cooling Pad
  • Circulation Fan
  • Supporting Framework, including water tank
  • Circulating Pump


The air enters the cooling pad, which is kept wet by a pump circulating water from the tank. A float valve maintains the appropriate water level through a makeup water line. This air is then pushed forward into the inlet of the air-cooled condenser, which is placed about 18 inches away from it. The fan, tank and the other components are contained in a weather-proof metal body.



    • Air cooled by evaporation reduces the Conditioning Temperature.
    •  Increased capacity and decreased power consumption at the same time.
    • No need to treat the water.
    • Capital and space requirement are much lower than a water-cooled system.
    • Does not add to the pressure drop in the condenser air.
    • Constructed with a weather-proof metal body.
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